EAU Research Seminars
- Date: 15th February 2024
- Time: 10:00 am
- Presenter: Dr. Viktoriia Ivannikova (Dublin City University, Ireland)
- Title: Airline Fleet Planning Process
- Venue: EAU Auditorium
The Faculty of Business is committed to providing a holistic educational experience that goes beyond the classroom. Through initiatives like Guest Speaker Series, we aim to bridge the gap between theory and practice, fostering a deeper understanding of real-world challenges and opportunities in the business landscape.
Our guest speaker represents the pinnacle of achievement in the respective field. the session focused on Airline Fleet Management procedures, and covered the following aspects within the topic:
- Air traffic demand forecasting techniques as a prerequisite for the airline fleet planning process.
- Concept of airline fleet planning process, its objectives, goals, and impacting factors.
- Different approach to airline fleet planning process with real-world case studies.
- Impact of fleet planning on airline costs profile with fundamentals of aircraft economics.
Date: 03/02/2023
Presenter: Prof. Dr. iur. Elmar M. Giemulla
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Berlin University of Technology, Germany
Title: Factual and legal Aspects of a major Aviation Accident.
Aviation can fail like any other technology. The human factor contributes to that risk. And aviation is exposed to an unpredictable and sometimes disruptive influence from outside (weather and even criminals). Nearly all efforts of the worldwide regulators, administrators and operators aim, therefore, at reducing these risks to a level that is acceptable for humankind (passengers and persons on the ground).
Despite all these efforts fatal crashes have occurred and will occur again. This is nothing we can accept but we can at least learn from them. Therefore, an analysis of each crash in order to implement counter measures to prevent an accident from happening again is of the essence.
This is important for all of us. But this is particularly important for the relatives of the victims. It is a kind of consolation for them to know that the blood toll they had to pay will at least spare others the same fate.
And, not at least, the loss of a loved one must be compensated in a fair and adequate manner. However, what is the value of a human being? This is a question that cannot be answered but must nevertheless be answered.
The speaker was involved in legal disputes after a significant number of major crashes: Lockerbie, Concorde, MH17 (Ukraine), Lake Constance, just to name a few. Taking these cases as examples, he will present and discuss the different causes and the consequences of a crash and what we all should keep in mind when facing the “the gloomy side” of aviation.
Date: 06/04/2022
Presenter: Prof. Zafar Ahsan
Research Fellow at the Institute Sains Islam, USIM in Malaysia.
Title: Differential Equations - The Language of The Universe
It is a known fact that differential equations form the most important branch of modern mathematics, and in fact, occupy the position at the centre stage of both pure and applied mathematics. This is obvious because the mathematical understanding of any physical situation usually consists of the following steps: (a) Understanding the various parameters of the situation and then making a rough mathematical model; (b) Posing a corresponding precise mathematical problem, and analysing it, trying to find an exact or approximate solution; (c) Comparing the result with the experimental data to check the validity of the model. It is also obvious that differential equations form the basis of applied mathematics. As far as their role in pure mathematics is concerned, attempts to get their exact solutions lead to the existence theorems and theory of functions, differential geometry and deep results in functional analysis. It is almost impossible to describe all the roles played by differential equations in pure and applied mathematics in this talk, so a brief survey about the role of differential equations in diverse fields is presented.
Date: 08/04/2022
Presenter: Prof. Zindoga Mukandavire
Institute Of Applied Research and Technology: Director of Research
Title: Workshop on Research and Scholarly Activities
Research and scholarly activities constitute a key component of academic career progression. Through research and scholarly activities, faculty can also stay up to date with developments in areas of expertise. This workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss ways to engage in research and scholarly activities.
Date: 08/09/2022
Presenter: Dr Faraimunashe Chirove
Senior Lecturer at University of Johannesburg
Title: Differential Equations - The Language of The Universe
History on population invasions by deadly pathogens (emerging and re-emerging) causing health emergencies has been continuously documented. Epidemiologists, during a disease outbreak, obtain and analyse observed data and use the data, observations, science, and theory to identify the pathogens to plan and/or implement policies to reduce/eradicate the disease impact. Key to their work is understanding the causes and modes of transmission of each disease within and across populations at risk. Mathematical models played and increasingly continue to play a critical role in both short- and long-term planning for controlling the dynamics of a disease by providing frameworks for those who want to use modelling and computational tools in epidemiology to contribute to the study of the transmission dynamics and control of the disease. We share some insights gained so far from mathematical modelling of infectious diseases within the host and population dynamics and across the scales to appreciate the role of mathematical models in epidemiology and related fields.
Date: 07/04/2021
Presenter: Dr. Ahlam Al Zoubi
Business School, Emirates Aviation University
Title: Re-imagining the Educational Experience: Generation Z’s Perspectives on Higher Education
This study explored the associations that Generation Z students have related to a global business school. Using an innovative projective technique (Koenigstorger, Groeppel-Klien, & Pla 2008), the researchers drew out and identified subconscious themes that students most associated with a particular business school. An analysis of the findings indicated that achievement, friendship, global scope, and future vision were the most important characteristics that emerged. These results suggest that to attract and retain Generation Z students and ensure student satisfaction, business schools need to enhance and promote these aspects of the educational experience creating a more holistic and polyphonic learning environment. Faced with the prospect of a fundamental change to the higher education environment due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the challenge of how to satisfy the expectations of Generation Z learners while maintaining a safe physical space is even more crucial.
Presenter: Dr Elham Taloei
School of Engineering, Emirates Aviation University
Title: Identification of a New Rheology Dependent Platelet Aggregation Mechanism Driving Thrombus Growth
Platelet aggregation at sites of vascular injury is essential for hemostasis and arterial thrombosis. It has long been assumed that platelet aggregation and thrombus growth is initiated by soluble agonists generated at sites of vascular injury. By utilizing high resolution intravital imaging techniques and hydrodynamic analyses we demonstrate that platelet aggregation is primarily driven by changes in blood rheology, with soluble agonists playing a secondary role, stabilizing formed aggregates. In response to vascular injury, thrombi initially develop through the progressive stabilization of discoid platelet aggregates. Analysis of blood flow dynamics revealed that discoid platelets preferentially adhere in low shear zones on the downstream face of forming thrombi, with stabilization of aggregates dependent on the formation of a novel membrane adhesion structure. These findings provide new insight into the prothrombotic effects of disturbed rheology and suggest a fundamental reinterpretation of the mechanisms driving platelet aggregation and thrombus growth.
Date: 14/04/2021
Presenter: Dr Abdalellah Mohmmed
School of Engineering, Emirates Aviation University
Title: One-way coupled fluid–structure interaction of gas–liquid slug flow in a horizontal pipe: Experiments and simulations
Pipelines conveying a multiphase mixture must withstand the cyclic induced stresses that occur due to the alternating motion of gas pockets and liquid slugs. Few previous studies have considered gas–liquid slug flow and the associated fluid–structure interaction problems. In this study, experimental and numerical techniques were adopted to simulate and analyze the two-phase slug flow and the associated stresses in the pipe structure. In the numerical simulation, a one-way coupled fluid–structure framework was developed to explore the slug flow interaction with a horizontal pipe assembly under various superficial gas and liquid velocities. A modified Volume of Fluid and finite element methods were utilized to model the fluid and structure domains. The file-based coupling technique was adopted to execute the coupling mechanism. By contrast, slug characteristics were measured experimentally, while Bi-axial strain gauges were used to capture time-varying strain signals. Excellent agreements between the predicted and measured stress results were achieved with a maximum error of 10.2 %. It was found that at constant superficial liquid velocity, the maximum induced stresses on the pipe wall increased with increasing the slug length and slug velocity. While for the slug frequency, the maximum principal stresses decreased with increasing the slug frequency.
Presenter: Dr Reyaz Ahmad
School of Mathematics & Data Science, Emirates Aviation University
Title: Some Classes of Opertors Related To p-Hyponormal Opertor
We introduced a new family of classes of operators termed as *p-paranormal operator,*A(p,p); p >0 and *A(p.q); p,q>0, parallel to p-pranormal operator and classes A(p,p);p>0 and A(p,q);p,q>0 introduced by M.Fuji,D. jung.S.H.Leeand R. Nakamoto[1].We present a necessary and sufficient condition for p-hyponormal operator Tϵ B(H) to be *p-paaranormal and the monotonocity of *A(p,q). We also present an alternative proof of a result of M.Fuji,et.al.[,Theorem 3,4]
Date: 05/05/2021
Presenter: Dr Nidhi Chaturvedi
EAU Business School, Emirates Aviation University
Title: ‘Exploring the Factors affecting buying behaviour of women in UAE’
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the various factors affecting consumer buying behaviour in UAE for beauty products with special reference to the Emirates of Dubai and Sharjah. The four factors of buying behavior studied were Personal, Psychological, Cultural and Social.
Design/ Methodology: Extensive research of the relevant respondents was done. The questionnaires were collected from 576 female consumers who are all using cosmetics. The research used Non-Probability sampling method and adopted Judgement sampling technique for the research. The instruments of this study involved two parts: the first section of the instrument consisted of forced-choice questions about demographic characteristics: nationality, marital status, age, occupation, monthly income level and nature of residency in UAE. The second section of the study consisted of variables chosen in order to measure the factors influencing consumer buying behavior in cosmetics products. The Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) was used to complete the analysis of the collected data. Descriptive statistics, including means, standard deviations and percentage analysis were implemented in order to investigate the demographic data. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine whether any significant relationships exist among respondents. The study used Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as an extraction method for Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) followed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) on explored and established factors. KMO test for Sampling Adequacy and appropriateness of Factor Analysis, Bartlett’s test of sphericity, Reliability analysis using Cronbach alpha and Pearson Correlation were used for data analysis. In addition, the .05 level of statistical significance was set at all statistical tests in the present study.
Findings: The findings suggest that the Cultural factors followed by Personal and Social factors were significant for women in UAE while they make their purchase choices. Psychological factors were found to be moderately affecting the behavior of the consumers.
Research Limitations and Implications: The field is ever evolving due to the changes in the global social and economic environment. Much research still needs to be carried out in new products and new markets.
Originality Value: The paper covers the various factors of complex buying behavior for women consumers in UAE. The field is lesser explored and throws many new insights on the UAE market and consumers.
Date: 19/05/2021
Presenter: Mr Mirza Baig
School of Mathematics & Data Science, Emirates Aviation University
Title: A comparison of Content and Image Based Recommender Systems: Machine Learning Approaches
Recommender systems are widely popular in many situations, like web-based systems catering to ecommerce, movies and books. For this purpose, a lot of approaches and algorithms have been proposed to serve the user or consumer with best possible recommendations. In this regard, content-based recommendation is one of the commonly used approaches; however, these days a new trend has been set by giving recommendations through images. This gave rise to a new recommendation approach, commonly called “Image Based Recommenders”. In this talk, my approach entails a comparative study of content based and image based recommender systems in the context of clothing recommendations for the user. The expected outcome of this study would be the answer to the question on how relevant are the results-to the user- that are produced by different algorithms from both approaches and whether there is any correlation between them? The findings from this study are key in identifying the most suitable algorithm or approach that best fits the domain of clothing business based on the relevancy of results for the user.
Keywords: Content Based Recommenders; Image Based Recommenders; Clothing Business; Comparative Study; Deep Learning; Data Science.
Tools Used: Python, MATLAB, relevant Deep Learning libraries, and Transfer Learning concepts.
Date: 22/09/2021
Presenter: Dr Diego Cuadros
Department of Geography and GIS, University of Cincinnati
Title: Spatial epidemiology of COVID-19 in the US
In this presentation, Dr. Cuadros will provide an overview of the current state of the epidemiology and health policy related to the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. with a focus on Ohio, an early public health leader in the U.S. He will also describe the creation of predictive models and linking these models to available healthcare resources using advanced geospatial mapping techniques and large datasets.